status queue

英 [ˈsteɪtəs kjuː] 美 [ˈsteɪtəs kjuː]

网络  状态队列



  1. Anything Samba does, such as showing the status of the print queue to a client, it does through CUPS.
  2. You can now use the administration tool of your choice to update the GET and PUT status of the queue without any danger that the script will reset them back to their initial state.
  3. There's a network view that shows you at a glance the status of all your queue managers and a lightweight monitoring platform.
  4. Notice that multiple jobs are in the RUNNING status and as each job completes, a QUEUED job is moved to the job spool device queue and executed.
  5. The status of the standby Queue Manger will be shown as Running as standby.
  6. Or, I can have a channel status window open while I use another window to set triggering on a transmit queue.
  7. Amqsphac is a ready-to-use sample program that comes with WebSphere MQ; you can use it to check out the connection status of the message flow with the queue manager.
  8. The MI broker relies on the status of the MI queue manager.
  9. The Job class is used to retrieve messages in a job log and information about a job such as name, number, type, user, status, job queue, and more.
  10. The WorkUnit was then wrapped in a WorkItem-which included a status flag-and 'scheduled'by placing it on a shared queue.
  11. Messages with unsent or retrying status are still in the mail queue and may be sent at any time.
  12. In order to enhance the accessibility of parking facilities during drivers travel status, queue theory and living or ruined process state equation are introduced to describe the whole parking course.
  13. Property identifying the transaction status queue on the source computer.
  14. Inserting the new entry in the status queue starts an internal stored procedure that updates the status of the e-mail message.
  15. The central server has all the information needed to decide to autoscale& it knows the number of workers, their locations, their status, and the size of the work queue.
  16. By analyzing the high-congestion running status of intersection, a general rule has be modeled that a compressible section in the queue system keeps moving from the stop line to the back of queue.
  17. The joint probability generation function of the queue sizes of every class of customers under steady status is presented, and a method to calculate the mean queue sizes of every class of customers is proposed.
  18. According to the analysis on the actual traffic status, the whole road travel time is divided into three parts; free travel time, queue waiting time and passing intersection time.
  19. The following problems of the queue status step transition of multi-station cyclic service systems with limited capacity are discussed: ( 1) The characteristics of the construction, running and queue of the system;
  20. Firstly, the research status of vacation queue with multiserver is summarized and a set of systemic methods are given.
  21. · The status transfer of request in queue is analyzed deeply, for sketching the status transfer pattern of request in pipe queue and batch queue.
  22. The paper discuss the basic concepts and research status of queue management, data redundancy elimination, queuing theory and other related technology, propose the queue management model based on the TCP transparent proxy.